Posts in Library Listening Party
Featured in the Peninsula Pulse!

I was absolutely delighted and honored to be profiled in the Peninsula Pulse by arts writer Sam Watson. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about my many years working in music (and a bit about magic, too!) as well as DJing and record talks in Door County. Thanks so much, Sam!

You can read the piece here: On the Record: Local Collector DJ’s with Huge Assortment of Vintage Vinyl, 78s

Door County Library Talks and Listening Parties Featured in the Peninsula Pulse

I was excited to see my talk on the history of 78 rpm records at the Sturgeon Bay Library get a shout out from The Peninsula Pulse! The talk was well attended and everyone was so engaged and asked so many great questions that we went almost hour over the scheduled time! If you’d like to see one of my talks or listening parties, check out the full list of upcoming events here or below.